Program Committee

Program Committee

Camilo Boza
Congress President

Ricardo Cohen
IFSO President

Khaled Gawdat
IFSO President Elect

Mehran Anvari
Future Congress President 2026

David Nocca
Future Congress President 2027

Francois Pattou
Future Congress President 2027

Silvia Leite Faria
President of the Integrated Health Committee

Andrea Schroeder
President Elect of the Integrated Health Committee

Nicola Di Lorenzo
EC Representative

Paulina Salminen
EC Representative

Sergio Aparicio
LAC Representative

Ana Carrasquilla
LAC Representative

Ahmad Aly
APC Representative

Asim Shabbir
APC Representative

Jaime Ponce
NAC Representative

Marina Kurian
NAC Representative

Ashraf Haddad
MENAC Representative

Alaa Abbass
MENAC Representative

Matias Sepulveda
LOCAL Representative (Chile)

Rodrigo Munoz
LOCAL Representative (Chile)

Francisco Pacheco
LOCAL Representative (Chile)

Luis Ibañez
LOCAL Representative (Chile)